Amazon Fulfilled Shipments Report

Performance Insights For Fulfillment by Amazon

Are you an Amazon seller? If so, you may be interested to know about the Amazon Fulfilled Shipments Report.

What is the Amazon Fulfilled Shipments Report?

This handy report provides detailed information about the shipments of your products that Amazon fulfilled. It includes important details like the order number, shipment date, shipping method, number of items shipped, and destination. You may also see the cost of the shipment, any discounts applied, and the total revenue generated.

With the Amazon Fulfilled Shipments Report, tracking your sales and shipping activity has never been easier! This report provides valuable insights into the shipments of your products that Amazon fulfilled, helping you closely monitor your operations.

It is a helpful tool for keeping track of your sales and shipping activity and can also help you optimize your fulfillment operations. By analyzing the report’s information, you can identify areas for improvement and make changes to ensure everything is running smoothly.

What is included in the Amazon Fulfilled Shipments Report?

The report contains all completed shipments reported to FBA during the specified period. This may only include some items shipped during that time frame if they have yet to be reported to the Amazon system. Those items will be reported in a future period. The report includes order, shipment, and item data, including price and shipping address information. As of April 8, 2021, the Amazon Fulfilled Shipments report will no longer include Amazon customer names and street addresses.

  • Shipment dates are based on when the shipment was reported to the system, generally a few hours after the ship date. Other reports may calculate shipment dates differently. All dates are in GMT.
  • The report does not show customer phone numbers and addresses to comply with our privacy policies.
  • The system may cancel requests for older reports or more comprehensive date ranges.
  • If you have many orders, generating your report may take a while.
  • Specifying shorter date ranges can help your reports get generated faster.
  • This report is designed to provide information at the shipment level. If you would like to know which orders went out in a specific date range, please use the All Orders report.

How frequently is the report updated?

The report is updated shortly after an item is shipped, usually within a few hours. However, in some cases, the data may take up to 24 hours to be populated. This is important to keep in mind when reviewing your report, but for the most part, the information is up-to-date and reliable.

Automate the Amazon Fulfilled Shipments Report or manually download them?

Two primary methods for accessing this report; Automated or manual downloads. Downloading occurs in your account interface. Automation taps into the Amazon Selling Partner API to automate report processing and storage in a cloud warehouse or data lake.

Go Faster With Selling Partner API Report Automation

Openbridge allows Amazon sellers to streamline the data management process by automating Amazon-Fulfilled Shipments report API integrations and storing data in a unified data warehouse. This service saves sellers time manually downloading reports and reduces errors in merging and tracking downloaded reports.

Automation eliminates manual download wrangling, ensuring up-to-date and accurate data straight from Amazon APIs. With data stored in a unified data warehouse like Amazon Redshift, Amazon Redshift Spectrum, Google BigQuery, Snowflake, Azure Data Lake, and Amazon Athena, you can combine different Amazon reports is easier to gain a more holistic view of the business.

The automated, streamlined process enables sellers to access all their important data in one private, trusted destination. Your team can then leverage best-in-class analytics and business tools like Google Data Studio, Tableau, Microsoft Power BI, Looker, or Amazon Quicksight.

If You Want Spend Time Manually Downloading Reports

To request an Amazon-Fulfilled Shipments Report, follow the steps below:

  1. Click Amazon-Fulfilled Shipments found under Reports > Fulfillment.
  2. In the Event Date dropdown, select the number of prior days you would like to include. Select Exact Dates to set a specific time range. You can request up to one month of data in a single report.
  3. Click Request Report.

After you generate a report, you can pick up the report from a list of generated reports. Find the report you want to download on the Order Reports page in the Download Report section. If it is ready, a Download button will be available.

How to read manually downloaded Amazon-Fulfilled Shipments Report

After downloading the report, you can open it in any database or spreadsheet program, such as Microsoft Access or Microsoft Excel.

When you open the Amazon-Fulfilled Shipments report in a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel, you may encounter some issues with the text, depending on the language. If this happens, don’t worry! You can easily resolve the problem by opening the file with a UTF-8-compatible reader.

One option is the Excel Import Wizard, which allows you to select the File Origin. Choose “65001: Unicode (UTF-8),” and the text will display properly, without any garbled characters.

While this may seem like a small issue, it’s important to be aware of it to view the report accurately and effectively. Using a UTF-8-compatible reader or the Excel Import Wizard with the correct file origin, ensure that the text in the Amazon-Fulfilled Shipments reports displays correctly.

Get Started Automating Amazon Fulfilled Shipments Report — For Free

If you’re an Amazon seller looking to improve your game, the Amazon Fulfilled Shipments Report is worth checking out. It’s user-friendly and provides valuable insights to help you take your business to the next level.

You can ditch the legacy manual report downloads for code-free Amazon SP-API automation. Openbridge offers official SP-API data automation, one of the most powerful tools Amazon Sellers can tap into. Accelerate the speed at which your team can gain valuable insights to deliver data-driven growth and profit.

Sign up for a 30-day free trial of our Amazon Fulfilled Shipments Report automation.

Amazon Fulfilled Shipments Report was originally published in Openbridge on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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