How To Analyze Amazon Search Terms To Drive Sales Growth

Find Hidden Sales Opportunities, Optimize Your Amazon PPC, and Crush The Competition

Amazon search terms, also known as keywords, are very important for driving sales on the platform. By using relevant and targeted keywords in product titles, bullet points, and product descriptions, sellers can increase the visibility of their products in search results, making them more likely to be seen and purchased by customers. Additionally, Amazon’s search algorithm uses keywords to determine the relevance of products to a customer’s search query, so optimizing keywords can also help to improve a product’s ranking in search results.

Analyzing Amazon search data can be a great way for Amazon Seller Central merchants to understand what customers are looking for and how they interact with your products.

If you’re an agency, brand, or Amazon seller just getting started, learning how to analyze this data can help you improve your sales by giving you insight into what customers are searching for when they visit the site.

It can also help you find organic search and Amazon PPC opportunities for keyword optimization, refine product descriptions and discover long-tail keywords or common misspellings used in customer searches.

Toward the end of the post, we detail how you can ditch the manual report downloads to leverage a fully automated, code-free pipeline of the official Amazon SP-API.

What is Amazon’s Search Terms report?

The Amazon Search Terms report includes data on the keywords that customers have used to search for products on the platform, as well as the number of times each keyword was searched and the number of times a product was viewed or purchased as a result of that search. The report can also include data on the conversion rate or the percentage of customers who viewed a product after searching for a specific keyword and then making a purchase.

The report may also include data on the search terms that are not performing well, where you can see which keywords are not driving any traffic or sales, and you can adjust your strategy accordingly.

Here is how Amazon describes the report;

Discover what products are winning the most clicks and conversions on strategic search terms. Assess the impact of your marketing campaigns by monitoring trends.

The report dataset shows popular searches that reflect keywords potential customers search for on Amazon. By looking at these terms, you can get an idea of what people are looking for, create strategies for optimizing keyword targeting, or get a sense of product relevance to demand.

The report will show the frequency of each term, relevant search terms to a category, and directional product performance. Here are the data points available in the report;

  • Department
  • Search Term
  • Search Frequency Rank
  • #1 Clicked ASIN
  • #1 Product Title
  • #1 Click Share
  • #1 Conversion Share
  • #2 Clicked ASIN
  • #2 Product Title
  • #2 Click Share
  • #2 Conversion Share
  • #3 Clicked ASIN
  • #3 Product Title
  • #3 Click Share
  • #3 Conversion Share

Why do I need to use the Search Terms report?

There are a few main reasons why you might want to use the Search Terms report:

  • Explore how you can optimize a product title or description since you can look for the relevance of terms to your listing(s).
  • Discover any relevant products or hidden keywords competitors may be using. This may help you identify additional keywords you want to target organically or in your Sponsored Products ads.
  • Refine your key metrics to include actual terms and their influence on product sales.
  • Build a keyword target list for potential keywords or duplicate keywords aligned with customer data or observed competitive activity.
  • On a regular basis, store the data to create a long-term snapshot of the report every day so you can, over time, report on trends you see for search term changes daily or month-to-month.

How to analyze the Amazon Search Terms report?

So, how do you analyze the data? First, understand the keywords which ultimately reflect user purchase intent.

There are several ways to analyze the Amazon Search Terms report to gain insights and make data-driven decisions for optimizing your product sales;

  1. Identify high-performing keywords: Sort the report by “sales” or “units sold” to see which keywords drive the most conversions for a product. You should focus on optimizing these keywords in your product titles and descriptions.
  2. Look for long-tail keywords: Long-tail keywords, which are longer and more specific phrases, tend to have a lower search volume but a higher conversion rate. Look for long-tail keywords in your report that have high sales or units sold, and consider adding them to your product listing or targeting them in your ad campaigns.
  3. Analyze your competitors: Look at the search terms that customers use to find products similar to yours. This can give you an idea of the keywords and phrases that work well for your competitors and help you identify opportunities to differentiate your product.
  4. Identify negative keywords: Look for keywords that are not relevant to your product and consider adding them as negative keywords in your ad campaigns.
  5. Track and measure your progress: Regularly review your data and track the changes to product listings.

How to Use the Amazon Search Terms Report for Optimizing Your Product Listing

You can use the report to understand the broader Amazon marketplace better. The report lets you see the terms people have used to find your product and insight into the competition and market trends.

For example, suppose you see that people are searching for your product with specific words in their query (like “large” or “black”). In that case, it makes sense that those keywords should be included in your title because they’re relevant to what people are looking for when they come across yours within Amazon’s marketplace.

You sell outdoor lighting, specifically “LED Outdoor String Lights.” Some people will search for “outdoor string lights,” and others will search for “patio lights” or “backyard lights.” If you only optimize for “Outdoor String Lights,” you’ll miss revenue opportunities.

Product Content Optimization: “Backend Keywords”

When you sell products on Amazon, optimizing your listings so they appear at the top of relevant search results is a top priority.

Amazon uses keywords to help your listings appear in the right search results. Optimizing your backend keyword can help your product stand out among competitors. Here are the backend keyword options for a given listing:

The search team report helps you do the research and refinement to enhance your listings.

Using keywords in MYE tests

Amazon offers a tool called Manage Your Experiments. This tool lets you run A/B tests (also known as split tests) on your brand’s listings content. Here is how they describe the benefits;

Experiments let you compare two versions of content against each other so you can see which performs better. At the end of an experiment, you can review which version performed the best and then publish the winning content. By running experiments, you can learn how to build better content that appeals to your customers and helps to drive more sales.

This is a perfect opportunity to use what you learned from search terms to test the impact on product listing content.

Understanding the limitations of the report

When using Amazon’s Search Terms report, it’s important to remember that the data you are looking at is not a complete, absolute picture of what is happening on Amazon. While the report is expansive, this report shows only a small subset of all the keywords people search for when looking for Amazon products.

The keyword searches shown in this report may only represent some of those who have searched for your product or even those who have purchased your product. However, you can overcome some of the limitations of any one report by creating a longer time horizon, a “unified” data set.

How do you overcome report limitations? Unify your data!

Looking at report data over time is essential to get the most out of this report. If you look at each report as a stand-alone data set, you need the power to see trends or patterns over a longer time horizon.

Fusing reports daily into a unified search data set is how data-driven sellers build powerful growth engines of search activity. There is no need to rely on third parties for search data when you can get it directly from Amazon.

Here are several benefits of creating a private, owned-by-you, unified database of search data;

  • Understand what may be relevant keywords or irrelevant Keywords as they relate to your specific product offering
  • Refine your PPC campaign by understanding the broader trends for exact keywords and their search volume estimates over a longer time horizon
  • Inform any new product Launches with a comprehensive view of category-accurate keywords and their search frequency rank
  • Adopt a data-driven view of the exact search volume for essential search terms by building your database to explore, query, and visualize.
  • Create customized product reports with your actual sales volumes and associated numeric rank for associated keywords
  • Start tracking competitor ASINs on an ongoing basis, allowing you to frequently create additional insights linked to actual business outcomes like your ASC order reports.
  • Use the data to optimize your advertising budgets, including adjustments to any daily budget as you look to improve the efficiency of campaigns run on Amazon, Google, Facebook, or elsewhere.

Unifying search data unlocks new ways to use data to inform business decisions with performance metrics fueled by real-life purchase intent-based search queries.

Get Started With Amazon Brand Analytics Search Terms — For Free

Keep using manual file downloads or start using SP-API data automation? Direct, automated access to first-party search data gives you everything you need to create a private Amazon Brand Analytics Tool for your business. Openbridge offers an automated, code-free data connector for Amazon Search Terms. You can have the following;

  1. Unified search term data into industry-leading data destinations like Amazon Redshift, Amazon Redshift Spectrum, Google BigQuery, Snowflake, Azure Data Lake, and Amazon Athena.
  2. With search term data consolidated, use your favorite business intelligence, data visualization, SQL, or data science tools like Google Data Studio, Tableau, Microsoft Power BI, Looker, or Amazon Quicksight for valuable insights, custom search analytics dashboard, or brand dashboard for performance metrics.

Tap into new audience insights, optimize advertising activities or marketing campaigns, or discover competitor insights that accelerate your sales growth.

Sign up for a 30-day free trial of our fully-automated Amazon Search Term data today!


How To Analyze Amazon Search Terms To Drive Sales Growth was originally published in Openbridge on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

from Openbridge - Medium

Navigating The Jungle: Amazon Vendor Services Guide

From product optimization to marketing strategies, our comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know to succeed with Amazon Vendor Services

There are two classes of Amazon Vendor Services; those provided by Amazon and those offered by third parties. We start by covering Amazon’s service offerings and then highlight data services that can be leveraged by Amazon partners, consultants, or tools.

What is Amazon Vendor Services (AVS)?

Amazon Vendor Services (AVS), also formerly Amazon Strategic Vendor Services (SVS), is a program that Amazon offers to select vendors and manufacturers who sell their products on the Amazon marketplace. The AVS program is designed to provide vendors with additional services and support purpose-built to help them grow their sales and increase their visibility on Amazon.

Amazon Vendor Services (AVS) Benefits

Some of the services offered through the AVS program include;

  • Someone to talk to at Amazon! You get a vendor account manager.
  • Access to Amazon’s data, analytics, and reporting tools, which provide vendors with performance insights into their sales and customer behavior (see Secret To Unlocking Amazon Vendor Central Reports)
  • Marketing support, such as funding for sponsored product ads, to help vendors increase visibility for their products on Amazon
  • Assistance with product optimization and merchandizing to help vendors improve their product listings and increase conversion rates
  • Collaboration with Amazon’s product development teams to create new products or product lines

The services provided through the AVS program can vary depending on the vendor’s performance and needs.

What does an Amazon vendor account manager do?

An Amazon Vendor Account Manager is a dedicated point of contact who works with vendors enrolled in Amazon’s Vendor Services program, specifically Amazon Vendor Services — Signature (AVS-Signature).

An Amazon Vendor Account Manager will help vendors grow their sales and improve their visibility on Amazon. This can include providing guidance on product optimization and merchandising, creating and managing marketing and promotional campaigns, and providing access to exclusive data and analytics.

Some of the critical responsibilities of an Amazon Vendor Account Manager can include:

  • Assisting with product optimization and merchandising to increase visibility and sales
  • Guiding advertising and promotional campaigns on Amazon
  • Providing access to exclusive data and analytics to help vendors make informed decisions about their product mix and marketing strategies
  • Helping vendors navigate the complexities of Amazon’s systems and processes
  • Providing recommendations on new services and features available on Amazon
  • Communicating changes to policies and requirements from Amazon
  • Identifying and addressing any performance issues vendors might face.

Taking It To The Next Level: Amazon Vendor Services — Signature

Amazon Vendor Services — Signature is an enhanced version of Amazon’s Vendor Services (AVS) program. This plus-up program offers vendors an even higher level of service and support. With AVS-Signature, Amazon vendors have direct access to a dedicated account manager. A vendor account manager will partner in strategy, promotions, and operational know-how to help them grow sales and profitability on Amazon.

Some of the additional services and benefits offered through the AVS-Signature program include:

  • Priority product placement and merchandising on Amazon’s website
  • Customized marketing and promotional campaigns
  • Increased visibility for products through Amazon’s product recommendations and targeted marketing programs
  • Access to exclusive data and analytics
  • Assistance with product optimization and merchandising
  • Early access to new Amazon services and features

To qualify for the AVS-Signature program has high thresholds to meet. Specifically, vendors must meet the same criteria required for the AVS program, such as having a well-established brand, a large selection of high-quality products, and exceeding Amazon’s standards for product quality and customer service.

Amazon says that this program is only open to tier-one, retail-managed vendors.

How to enroll in Amazon Vendor Services (AVS)

The enrollment process for the Amazon Vendor Services program is by invitation only. Amazon generally reaches out to vendors they believe are well-suited for the program. However, if you are interested in enrolling in the AVS program, here are some steps you can take:

  1. Meet the eligibility criteria: Before you can apply for the AVS-Signature program, you need to meet specific criteria such as having a well-established brand, a large selection of high-quality products, and meeting Amazon’s standards for product quality and customer service. In addition, you must also have a history of solid sales and a proven track record of success on the Amazon platform.
  2. Contact Amazon: Contact your Amazon account manager, or email the AVS team directly, expressing your interest in joining the program and highlighting your qualifications.
  3. Provide information: If Amazon is interested in your application, they may request additional information, such as your product catalog, sales data, or other business details.
  4. Review and selection: Amazon will review your application and other provided information, and if you meet the criteria, they will invite you to join the program.
  5. Sign agreement and Onboarding: Once the invitation is accepted, Amazon will provide a contract for the program and the required information for onboarding; the vendors will have to sign the deal and provide the information required for the onboarding process.

The enrollment process and the selection criteria may vary based on the region, time, and Amazon’s business objectives, so it’s a good idea to keep in touch with your account manager and stay updated on the latest enrollment requirements.

How do I become a vendor for Amazon? Here is what it takes to get on their radar.

Suppose you are wondering how to get invited to amazon vendor central. In that case, you should embrace a few things if you want Amazon to take notice of you.

  1. Establish a strong sales history on the Amazon marketplace: Amazon likes to invite sellers with a proven sales and customer satisfaction track record.
  2. Be data-driven: Make decisions based on data and facts rather than assumptions or guesses. Use of data in making the best decisions to drive desired outcomes.
  3. Build a strong brand: A well-established brand or reputation in the industry can help a seller stand out to Amazon and increase their chances of getting invited to the program.
  4. Maintain high-quality products: Amazon is looking for sellers with a large selection of high-quality products already selling well on the market, with good customer reviews and ratings.
  5. Meet Amazon’s standards for product quality and customer service: Sellers need to meet Amazon’s standards for product quality and customer service, as well as provide detailed product information and accurate inventory data to qualify.
  6. Be able to meet demand: Amazon is looking for sellers who can meet the demand for their products and maintain good inventory levels.
  7. Provide excellent customer service: Amazon values good customer service, and sellers who provide excellent customer service are more likely to be invited to the program.
  8. Networking: Networking and building relationships with the right people within Amazon can also increase your chances of getting invited. For example, connecting at trade shows or other events!
  9. Research and Study Amazon program’s policies and requirements: Take the time to understand Amazon’s policies and requirements for the program, and ensure that you meet them.

Unlocking Data-driven Vendor Growth

Openbridge is a leading provider of code-free Amazon Vendor Central Software. The platform helps vendors deliver direct, automated data feeds to fuel insights into sales, inventory, and customer behavior, allowing them to make informed decisions about account performance, media, product mix, and marketing strategies.

One of the key strengths of the Openbridge platform is its ability to integrate with a wide range of data sources, including Amazon’s own Vendor Central, Seller Central, and Advertising APIs. Vendors get direct, code-free access to a wealth of data about their sales and customer behavior, giving them the insights they need to improve their performance on the Amazon marketplace.

Openbridge is also a verified Amazon Selling and Amazon Advertising Partner, which means that the company has been vetted by Amazon and has demonstrated expertise in creating and managing effective advertising campaigns on the Amazon platform.

Data-driven vendors chose Openbridge.

Sign up for a 30-day free trial of our Vendor Central Software automation.

Navigating The Jungle: Amazon Vendor Services Guide was originally published in Openbridge on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

from Openbridge - Medium

The Best Amazon Advertising Tool For Sellers & Vendors

Tools to automate Amazon Advertising, Amazon Seller Central, and Amazon Vendor Central for growth and efficiency

While researching the "best amazon advertising tools," the typical results are focused mainly on Amazon PPC tools. While Amazon PPC management tools are essential, they reflect one category of solutions Sellers and Vendors need to optimize and grow their Amazon businesses.

Advertising is a critical factor for any company's growth. It aids in drawing in new customers, building brand awareness, product consideration, and increasing sales. But, with the ever-changing economic and operational atmosphere, advertising does not operate in a vacuum. Facebook, Google, Shopify DTC, email, physical retail, and many other channels create a fragmented e-commerce landscape.

The right tools can make all the difference for any business on Amazon Seller Central or Amazon Vendor Central. As a result, this is where thinking more broadly about your tool options for performance, efficiency, and effectiveness comes into play.

Before jumping into the "tools," it is vital to take a step back to appreciate just how expansive the Amazon Advertising ecosystem has grown over the past few years.

The Amazon Advertising Platform Ecosystem

Amazon Advertising is a platform that allows businesses to advertise their products and services to customers on Amazon and across the Amazon Advertising network. It offers a range of advertising products and provides detailed performance data to help businesses track the effectiveness of their campaigns, including metrics such as impressions, clicks, and sales.

  • Sponsored Products: Sponsored Products are ads that appear in the search results and product detail pages on Amazon. These ads can help businesses increase the visibility of their products and drive more sales.
  • Sponsored Brands: Sponsored Brands are ads that feature a company's logo, a selection of products, and a custom headline. These ads can appear on Amazon, including the search results and product detail pages.
  • Sponsored Display: Sponsored Display ads can appear on various parts of the Amazon website, including the homepage, search results, and product detail pages. They can also appear on other websites that are part of the Amazon Advertising network, such as IMDb and Twitch.
  • Amazon DSP: Amazon DSP (Demand-Side Platform) is a programmatic ad-buying platform that allows businesses to target specific audiences and reach them with display and video ads across the Amazon Advertising network.
  • Amazon Advertising API: The Amazon Advertising API is a set of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) allowing businesses to access and manage their advertising campaigns on Amazon programmatically. This can be useful for companies that want to integrate their advertising data with other business systems and platforms.
  • Amazon Attribution: Amazon Attribution is a tool that helps businesses understand how their advertising campaigns on Amazon are driving sales and revenue. It provides detailed data on the performance of your campaigns, including the number of impressions, clicks, and sales generated by your ads. This can be useful for identifying trends and patterns in your advertising performance and making data-driven decisions about your strategy.
  • Amazon Marketing Cloud: Amazon Marketing Cloud (AMC) is a suite of tools that helps businesses optimize their marketing efforts across various channels, including email, web, social media, and mobile. The tools within the Marketing Cloud are designed to help businesses engage with their customers, personalize their marketing efforts, and drive more sales and revenue.
  • Amazon Marketing Streams: Amazon Marketing Streams is a tool that helps businesses streamline their marketing efforts on Amazon. It allows companies to manage their advertising campaigns across multiple channels, including Amazon Advertising, Amazon Marketing Services (AMS), and Amazon DSP (Demand-Side Platform). Marketing Streams provides a single dashboard for managing and analyzing all your advertising data in one place, making tracking and optimizing your campaigns easier.

In addition to the services outlined above, increasingly, brands must leverage the Amazon Brand Registry for IP protection and Brand Analytic Reporting to understand broad brand advertising investments. Also, creating an Amazon Brand Store that reflects your business's tone, positioning, and visual elements is essential.

This is a broad ecosystem with vast nuances, gotchas, and complexity. Tools and automation are a must. However, there is an expansive collection of tools connected to this ecosystem of Amazon products and services, and which tool is "best" is a function of what you are trying to accomplish.

Why Utilize Amazon Advertising Tools?

If you are an Amazon marketing agency, Amazon Vendor Central agency, Amazon consultant, or brand team, using Amazon advertising tools (or tools in general!) has several benefits. This is especially true considering the magnitude of the e-commerce ecosystems we just detailed.

Here are a few key points to consider:

  • Improved advertising efficiency: By consistently assessing and taking action from the information from these tools, companies can pick up where their advertising could be working more effectively and make transformations to their plan. This will increase the efficiency of their advertising endeavors and get more worth out of their ad budget.
  • Better targeting: Utilizing these tools, companies can more accurately focus their advertising campaigns. With their data on customers, competitors, and industry trends, businesses can recognize the most efficient means of reaching the intended audience while displaying the appropriate message at an appropriate time.
  • Increased sales and revenue: The ultimate ambition all businesses strive to achieve is to better their sales and revenue. With the help of these tools in optimizing their paid media tactics, companies can boost the effectiveness of their plans and improve consumer sales and profit revenues.
  • Flexibility: Standards-based, open solutions that avoid expensive vendor lock-in.
  • Ownership: Tools that support creating proprietary intellectual property (IP) like profitability models, visual storytelling, and others that offer competitive differentiation from peers.
  • Comprehensive data: These tools provide comprehensive data on the performance of your advertising campaigns, which can help identify trends and patterns and make data-driven decisions about your strategy.
  • Integration with other platforms: These tools provide extensive information concerning the effectiveness of your advertising efforts on other platforms like Facebook and Google, allowing proper detection of patterns and trends that give you a chance to base decisions on data.

Starting With The Basics: Amazon Advertising Advanced Tools

Advanced Tools is provided directly by Amazon, which helps businesses optimize their advertising efforts on Amazon. The tools are free and include various features for managing and analyzing advertising campaigns, including automated bidding, budget optimization, and audience segmentation.

Some of the key features of Amazon Advertising Advanced Tools include:

  • Automated bidding: This feature allows businesses to set up automated rules for adjusting their bid prices based on various factors, such as the performance of their campaigns or changes in the market. This can help businesses optimize their bid prices and get more value from advertising.
  • Budget optimization: This feature helps businesses optimize their advertising budgets by automatically allocating them to the most effective campaigns and keywords.
  • Audience segmentation: This feature allows businesses to create targeted campaigns based on specific customer segments, such as demographics, interests, and behavior. This can help companies to deliver more relevant and personalized advertising to their target audience.
  • Reports: Advanced Tools provide performance reports of your advertising campaigns, which can help identify trends and patterns and make data-driven decisions about your strategy.

While Amazon Advertising Advanced Tools is the starting point for most advertisers, there are some pros and cons to consider:


  • Cost: It is free!
  • Advanced features: The Advanced Tools Center offers a range of advanced features that can help businesses get more value out of their advertising efforts on Amazon. This includes automated bidding and budget optimization, audience segmentation, and campaign scheduling.
  • Comprehensive data: The Advanced Tools Center provides comprehensive data on the performance of your Amazon advertising campaigns, which can help identify trends and patterns and make data-driven decisions about your strategy.


  • Complexity: Some of the tools within the Advanced Tools Center can be complex to use and may require a learning curve to utilize their features fully.
  • Flexibility: You are limited to only the capabilities and views released by Amazon, especially in reporting.
  • Ownership: Your performance data is siloed, meaning it can not be extended to support a holistic, non-Amazon Advertising view of your business
  • Limited to Amazon: The Advanced Tools Center is specifically designed for advertising on Amazon, so it may be less relevant or valuable for businesses that advertise on other platforms.

Amazon Advertising API: Putting You In Control

If you feel stuck in the web-based Amazon Ads UI and are tired of manually downloading and managing 100s of spreadsheets across your clients, the Ads API is a must. The API will enable new levels of automation, eliminating messy, expensive, and error-prone manual work.

The Amazon Advertising API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of APIs allowing businesses to programmatically access and manage their advertising campaigns on Amazon. The API provides access to various advertising data and functionality, including creating, updating, and retrieving ad campaigns, processing performance data, and performing bulk operations.

If you are an Amazon consultant or Amazon agency, manual work drives costs and under-delivers;

  1. Your bill rates and delivery schedules factor in labor-intensive and error-prone wrangling work, which means longer timelines and bigger budgets.
  2. Your clients are underserved and unimpressed with the "spreadsheet" output. It does not meet their expectations OR achieve the value promised by you. They lose confidence in your ability to deliver insights into their ad investments.

While an API may sound intimidating, as a tool, it unlocks significant opportunities. For example, Openbridge, a verified Amazon Ads partner, offers code-free, fully automated API integrations, unifying data to a trusted, private data warehouse you control and own.

Automated, unified data means you can put your data to work with your favorite analytics tools. Explore, analyze, and visualize data to deliver faster innovation while avoiding vendor lock-in using tools that align with your service delivery.

Below is a collection of Amazon Advertising tools for insights, analytics, and reporting;

  • Tableau: Tableau is a powerful data visualization tool that allows you to see your Amazon advertising data in various formats, including charts, maps, and graphs. With Tableau, you can easily track the performance of your campaigns, see how different variables affect your sales, and identify trends and patterns in your data.
  • Power BI: Power BI is another data visualization tool that provides a range of features for analyzing and interpreting your Amazon advertising data. It allows you to create custom dashboards and reports to track your performance and integrates with various other business tools and platforms.
  • Looker: Looker is a business intelligence platform that offers advanced analytics and data modeling capabilities. It allows you to create custom data models and queries to analyze your Amazon advertising data and provides a range of visualization options for presenting your findings.
  • Qlik Sense: Qlik Sense is a business intelligence platform that offers a range of tools for creating dashboards, reports, and visualizations.
  • IBM Cognos: IBM Cognos is a comprehensive business intelligence platform offering various data analysis and reporting tools.
  • MicroStrategy: MicroStrategy is a business intelligence platform that offers a range of tools for creating dashboards, reports, and visualizations.
  • SAP BusinessObjects: SAP BusinessObjects is a business intelligence platform that offers a range of tools for creating dashboards, reports, and visualizations.
  • Sisense: Sisense is a business intelligence platform that offers a range of tools for creating dashboards, reports, and visualizations. It is designed to help businesses analyze and understand large and complex data sets.
  • DBT: DBT (Data Build Tool) is an open-source data modeling tool that helps businesses transform and analyze data from various sources. It allows companies to define data transformations and build a data model that can be queried and used for analysis.
  • Alteryx: Alteryx is a business intelligence platform that offers a range of tools for data preparation, analysis, and visualization. It is designed to help businesses of all sizes analyze and understand complex data sets and makes data-driven decisions.

Each of these tools offers a unique set of features and can be helpful in different situations, depending on your business needs and goals. By leveraging the power of these tools, you can gain valuable insights into your Amazon advertising performance and make informed decisions about optimizing your strategy.

Best Amazon Advertising Tools: Amazon PPC software

Many Amazon PPC (pay-per-click) tools are available to help businesses optimize their advertising strategy on Amazon. A prepacked Amazon PPC tool may appeal if you are an Amazon Seller central agency or Amazon consultant. Here are a few examples:

  • Teikametrics: Teikametrics is a tool that helps businesses automate and optimize their PPC campaigns on Amazon. It offers automated bidding, keyword optimization, and campaign tracking features, which can help enterprises to get more value out of their advertising spend.
  • Helium10: Helium10 is a suite of tools for Amazon sellers that includes several PPC-related features. It offers tools for keyword research, campaign optimization, and competitor analysis, which can help businesses identify opportunities for improving their PPC campaigns on Amazon.
  • Jungle Scout: Jungle Scout is another tool designed for Amazon sellers that offers a range of features for optimizing PPC campaigns. It provides tools for keyword research, campaign management, and performance tracking, which can help businesses identify opportunities for improving their PPC efforts on Amazon.
  • SellerApp: SellerApp is a suite of tools designed to help businesses that sell on Amazon optimize their performance and grow their business. It offers a range of features for keyword research, product listing optimization, and performance tracking, which can help companies to improve their Amazon rankings and drive more sales.
  • Perpetua: Perpetua is a tool that helps businesses optimize their Amazon PPC campaigns. It offers automated bidding, keyword optimization, and campaign tracking features, which can help companies to get more value from their advertising spend on Amazon.
  • Sellozo: Sellozo is a tool that helps businesses optimize their Amazon PPC campaigns. It offers a range of features for keyword research, campaign management, and performance tracking, which can help businesses identify opportunities for improving their PPC efforts on Amazon. Sellozo also provides detailed analytics on the performance of your campaigns, which can help identify trends and patterns and make data-driven decisions about your strategy.

By using these Amazon PPC tools, businesses can gain valuable insights into their PPC campaigns on Amazon and make informed decisions about optimizing their strategy. These tools provide a rich collection of premade capabilities, which can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your advertising efforts and drive more sales and revenue.

Amazon Advertising Tool Case Studies

Many businesses have successfully used these Amazon advertising tools to drive brand awareness and sales growth. Per Amazon, here are a few examples:

  • Å KODA: Å KODA, a car manufacturer, analyze their Amazon advertising campaigns' performance in various markets worldwide. By regularly reviewing the data, Å KODA could identify trends and patterns in its advertising performance and make data-driven decisions about optimizing its strategy.
  • Johnnie Walker: Johnnie Walker, a whisky brand, tracks and analyze the performance of its Amazon advertising campaigns. By creating custom dashboards and reports, Johnnie Walker could get a clear picture of their advertising performance and make informed decisions about optimizing their strategy.
  • L'Oréal: L'Oréal, a cosmetics brand, analyze its Amazon advertising data and identify opportunities for improvement. By creating custom data models and queries, L'Oréal gained valuable insights into their advertising performance and made data-driven decisions about optimizing their strategy.

Each of these brands was able to use these Amazon advertising tools to gain valuable insights into their advertising performance and make informed decisions about optimizing their strategy to drive Amazon sales. By regularly reviewing and acting on the data provided by these tools, they improved the efficiency and effectiveness of their Amazon Ad efforts.

Don't Forget Amazon Retail!

The Amazon Retail platform provides tools and resources to help businesses manage their sales on Amazon, including listing and pricing tools, order management, and fulfillment options. These tools provide reports on the performance of a business's products and sales, inventory, and financial accounting information. Amazon Retail perfectly complements the paid media investments related to Amazon Ads.

If you are an Amazon Marketing Service, Amazon agency, Amazon consultant, or brand, get fast, flexible, and simple data integration and analytics with Openbridge! The Amazon platform offers APIs for Ads and Retail.

Unify Amazon Advertising data with Amazon Retail Seller Central or Vendor Central account data (i.e., product listing, inventory, traffic, sales, and fulfillment). Create a unified 360 view of your Amazon business, regardless of the Amazon marketplace, that includes advertising and retail operations. Dig deep into your Amazon customer trends and the type of new amazon customer you want to target by harnessing your data.

Unlock the full power of your data with a 30-day free trial of Openbridge.

Sign up for a 30-day, no-risk, free trial and see how easy it is to connect your data sources, analyze your data, and make data-driven decisions that will drive growth and improve efficiency.

With Openbridge, you'll be able to get up and running quickly so you can unify data in a trusted, private industry-leading data lake, data lakehouse, or cloud warehouses like Databricks, Amazon Redshift, Amazon Redshift Spectrum, Google BigQuery, Snowflake, Azure Data Lake, Ahana, and Amazon Athena.

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Sign up for a 30-day free trial of our Amazon automation tool.

The Best Amazon Advertising Tool For Sellers & Vendors was originally published in Openbridge on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

from Openbridge - Medium

The Ultimate Amazon FBA Calculator: A Must-have For Maximizing Profits & Growth

How to use the Amazon FBA calculator to calculate potential profits and costs quickly.

An Amazon FBA calculator is a tool that helps Amazon Seller Central merchants determine the profitability of using the Amazon fulfillment service (FBA) to sell their products.

What is Amazon FBA? It is a paid service that handles the storage, packing, and shipping of products for sellers and charges fees for these services. For FBM, all those activities are handled by the seller, not Amazon. As such, the type of Amazon business is relevant to a calculator.

This post provides examples of two types of calculators; profitability and revenue. There are detailed examples of Excel and SQL-based Amazon calculators. Please note these examples will require inputs and refinement to work in your specific situation. They are references, so you can get inspired to build from them.

Why use an Amazon FBA calculator?

Some benefits of using an Amazon FBA calculator include:

  • It helps sellers determine the feasibility of using the FBA service: By entering the product cost, shipping cost, FBA fees, and sale price into the calculator, sellers can see how much money they will make (or lose) by using the FBA service to sell their products. This can help sellers decide whether it is worth using the FBA service for a particular product.
  • It allows sellers to undertake product research by comparing the profitability of different products: By using the Amazon FBA calculator to calculate the profitability of multiple products, sellers can compare the potential profitability of different products and choose to sell the most profitable ones.
  • It helps sellers set appropriate sale prices: By using the Amazon FBA calculator to see how much profit they can make on a product, sellers can set appropriate sale prices for their products to ensure that they are making a profit.
  • It helps sellers understand the impact of FBA fees: FBA fees can be a significant cost for sellers. An Amazon calculator can help sellers understand how these fees impact their profitability. This can help sellers decide whether to use the FBA service or another fulfillment option.

(Note: Calculators are principally focused on FBA).

What type of information is needed for an Amazon calculator?

To use an Amazon FBA calculator, you will need to make sure you have the following information:

  • The product cost is the cost of manufacturing or purchasing the product.
  • The shipping cost is the cost of shipping the product inventory to an Amazon fulfillment center.
  • The FBA fees are the Amazon seller fee charges for storage, packing, and shipping of the product. These fees can be calculated using the Amazon FBA calculator on the Amazon website.
  • The sale price: This is the price at which you plan to sell the product on Amazon.

Based on this information, the Amazon FBA calculator will calculate the total cost of the product (including the product cost, shipping cost, and FBA fees) and the profit (the difference between the sale price and the total cost). This allows sellers to see how much money they will make (or lose) using the FBA service to sell their products.

The calculator examples below will apply generally to any Amazon FBA seller across all Amazon marketplaces.

Creating an Amazon FBA Excel calculator

To create an Amazon FBA calculator in Excel, you will need to do the following:

  1. Open a new spreadsheet in Excel.
  2. Create the following column headers: “Product Name,” “Product Cost,” “Shipping Cost,” “FBA Fees,” “Total Cost,” “Sale Price,” and “Profit.”
  3. Enter the name of the product you are selling in the “Product Name” column.
  4. Enter the cost of the product in the “Product Cost” column. This should include the cost of manufacturing or purchasing the product.
  5. Enter the product's shipping cost to Amazon’s fulfillment center in the “Shipping Cost” column. This can be found on the Amazon FBA calculator on the Amazon website.
  6. Calculate the FBA fees for the product using the following formula: FBA Fees = (Product Cost + Shipping Cost) * (Fulfillment Fee + Storage Fee + Optional Services Fee). The fulfillment, storage, and optional services fees can be found on the Amazon FBA calculator.
  7. Enter the total cost of the product in the “Total Cost” column by using the following formula: Total Cost = Product Cost + Shipping Cost + FBA Fees
  8. Enter the product's sale price in the “Sale Price” column. This is the price you plan to sell the product on Amazon.
  9. Calculate the profit for the product by using the following formula: Profit = Sale Price — Total Cost

This should give you a basic Amazon FBA calculator that you can use to determine the profitability of selling a product on Amazon using the FBA program. You can add additional columns or features to the calculator as needed.

Want to create a function in VB for excel? Below is a formula to calculate Amazon FBA fees as an embedded Excel script. To create an Amazon FBA calculator in VBA, you must create a new module in your Excel workbook and add a function to calculate the FBA fees and total cost. Here is an example of how you could create the function:

Function FBA(productCost As Double, shippingCost As Double, fulfillmentFee As Double, storageFee As Double, optionalServicesFee As Double) As Double
FBA = (productCost + shippingCost) * (fulfillmentFee + storageFee + optionalServicesFee)
End Function

This function will take in the product cost, shipping cost, fulfillment fee, storage fee, and optional services fee as inputs and return the FBA fees as a result. To use this function in your spreadsheet, you can enter the following formula in a cell:

=FBA(A2, B2, C2, D2, E2)

This will calculate the FBA fees for the product, using the values in cells A2, B2, C2, D2, and E2 as the inputs. You can then use additional formulas to calculate the total cost and profit for the product.

Creating An Amazon FBA Calculator With SQL

To create an Amazon FBA calculator in SQL, you need to create a table to store the data and a SELECT statement to calculate the FBA fees and total cost. Here is an example of how you could create the table and SELECT statement:

CREATE TABLE amazon_fba_calculator (
product_name VARCHAR(255),
product_cost DECIMAL(10,2),
shipping_cost DECIMAL(10,2),
fulfillment_fee DECIMAL(10,2),
storage_fee DECIMAL(10,2),
optional_services_fee DECIMAL(10,2),
sale_price DECIMAL(10,2)
(product_cost + shipping_cost) * (fulfillment_fee + storage_fee + optional_services_fee) AS fba_fees,
(product_cost + shipping_cost + (product_cost + shipping_cost) * (fulfillment_fee + storage_fee + optional_services_fee)) AS total_cost,
sale_price - (product_cost + shipping_cost + (product_cost + shipping_cost) * (fulfillment_fee + storage_fee + optional_services_fee)) AS profit
FROM amazon_fba_calculator;

This will create a table called “amazon_fba_calculator” with the following columns: “product_name”, “product_cost”, “shipping_cost”, “fulfillment_fee”, “storage_fee”, “optional_services_fee”, and “sale_price”.

The SELECT statement will calculate the FBA fees, total cost, and profit for each product in the table.

You can then insert rows into the table with the data for each product, and run the SELECT statement to see the calculated FBA fees, total cost, and profit for each product.

What is an Amazon FBA revenue calculator?

An Amazon FBA revenue calculator is a tool that helps sellers on Amazon estimate the potential revenue they can earn by using the Amazon fulfillment service (FBA) to sell their products. The FBA service handles the storage, packing, and shipping of products for sellers and charges fees for these services.

To use an Amazon FBA revenue calculator, you will need to enter the following information:

  • The product cost: This is the cost of manufacturing or purchasing the product.
  • The shipping cost: This is the cost of shipping the product to an Amazon fulfillment center.
  • The FBA fees: These are the fees charged by Amazon for the storage, packing, and shipping of the product. These fees can be calculated using the Amazon FBA calculator on the Amazon website.
  • The sale price: This is the price at which you plan to sell the product on Amazon.
  • The number of units you plan to sell: This is the number of units of the product that you expect to sell.

Based on this information, the Amazon FBA revenue calculator will estimate the total revenue you can earn by selling the product using the FBA service. This can be helpful for sellers considering using the FBA service to sell their products, as it allows them to see how much money they can make by using the service.

Note that the estimates produced by an Amazon FBA revenue calculator are just that — estimates. Actual revenues may vary based on various factors, such as the level of competition for the product, the demand for the product, and the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

Creating an Amazon FBA Revenue Excel calculator

To create an Amazon FBA revenue calculator in Excel, you will need to create a new spreadsheet and add the following columns: “Product Name”, “Product Cost”, “Shipping Cost”, “FBA Fees”, “Total Cost”, “Sale Price”, “Units Sold”, “Total Revenue”, and “Profit”.

Here is an example of how you can use formulas to calculate the FBA fees, total cost, total revenue, and profit in Excel:

  1. Enter the name of the product in the “Product Name” column.
  2. Enter the cost of the product in the “Product Cost” column. This should include the cost of manufacturing or purchasing the product.
  3. Enter the cost of shipping the product to Amazon’s fulfillment center in the “Shipping Cost” column. This can be found on the Amazon FBA calculator on the Amazon website.
  4. Calculate the FBA fees for the product by using the following formula in the “FBA Fees” column: =(C2+D2)*(E2+F2+G2). The fulfillment, storage, and optional services fees can be found on the Amazon FBA calculator.
  5. Calculate the total cost of the product by using the following formula in the “Total Cost” column: =C2+D2+H2
  6. Enter the product's sale price in the “Sale Price” column. This is the price you plan to sell the product on Amazon.
  7. Enter the number of units you plan to sell in the “Units Sold” column.
  8. Calculate the total revenue by using the following formula in the “Total Revenue” column: =I2*J2
  9. Calculate the profit by using the following formula in the “Profit” column: =I2*J2-K2

This should give you a basic Amazon FBA revenue calculator that you can use to estimate the potential revenue you can earn by using the FBA service to sell your products on Amazon. You can add additional columns or features to the calculator as needed.

To create an Amazon FBA revenue calculator in Visual Basic (VB), you will need to create a new project in the Visual Basic editor and add a function to calculate the FBA fees, total cost, and total revenue. Here is an example of how you could create the function:

Public Function FBA(productCost As Double, shippingCost As Double, fulfillmentFee As Double, storageFee As Double, optionalServicesFee As Double, salePrice As Double, unitsSold As Integer) As Double
Dim fbaFees As Double
Dim totalCost As Double
Dim totalRevenue As Double
fbaFees = (productCost + shippingCost) * (fulfillmentFee + storageFee + optionalServicesFee)
totalCost = productCost + shippingCost + fbaFees
totalRevenue = salePrice * unitsSold
FBA = totalRevenue - totalCost
End Function

This function will take in the product cost, shipping cost, fulfillment fee, storage fee, optional services fee, sale price, and the number of units sold as inputs and return the profit as a result.

To use this function in your code, you can call it like this:

Dim profit As Double
profit = FBA(100, 10, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 150, 500)

This will calculate the profit for a product with a product cost of 100, a shipping cost of 10, fulfillment, storage, and optional services fees of 10%, 20%, and 10%, respectively, and a sale price of 150 and 500 units sold.

Creating An Amazon FBA Revenue Calculator With SQL

To create an Amazon FBA revenue calculator in SQL, you will need to create a table to store the data and a SELECT statement to calculate the FBA fees, total cost, and total revenue. Here is an example of how you could create the table and SELECT statement:

CREATE TABLE amazon_fba_revenue_calculator (
product_name VARCHAR(255),
product_cost DECIMAL(10,2),
shipping_cost DECIMAL(10,2),
fulfillment_fee DECIMAL(10,2),
storage_fee DECIMAL(10,2),
optional_services_fee DECIMAL(10,2),
sale_price DECIMAL(10,2),
units_sold INT

(product_cost + shipping_cost) * (fulfillment_fee + storage_fee + optional_services_fee) AS fba_fees,
(product_cost + shipping_cost + (product_cost + shipping_cost) * (fulfillment_fee + storage_fee + optional_services_fee)) AS total_cost,
sale_price * units_sold AS total_revenue,
sale_price * units_sold - (product_cost + shipping_cost + (product_cost + shipping_cost) * (fulfillment_fee + storage_fee + optional_services_fee)) AS profit
FROM amazon_fba_revenue_calculator;

This will create a table called “amazon_fba_revenue_calculator” with the following columns: “product_name”, “product_cost”, “shipping_cost”, “fulfillment_fee”, “storage_fee”, “optional_services_fee”, “sale_price”, and “units_sold”. The SELECT statement will calculate the FBA fees, total cost, total revenue, and profit for each product in the table.

You can then insert rows into the table with the data for each product, and run the SELECT statement to see the calculated FBA fees, total cost, total revenue, and profit for each product.

What is the best Amazon FBA calculator?

Not interested anymore in rolling your own calculators? Many Amazon FBA calculators are available, and the best one for you will depend on your specific needs and preferences. Some popular Amazon FBA calculators include:

  • The Amazon FBA Calculator: This calculator is provided by Amazon and allows sellers to calculate the FBA fees for their products. It is a good choice for sellers who want a quick and easy way to calculate the fees for a single product.
  • FBA Calculator for Amazon: This calculator is a popular third-party tool that allows sellers to simultaneously calculate the FBA fees and total cost for multiple products. It is a good choice for sellers who want a more advanced calculator with additional features, such as comparing the profitability of different products.
  • Sellery: This calculator is another popular third-party tool that provides a wide range of features for sellers, including an FBA calculator, a profit calculator, and a tool for managing inventory and orders. It is a good choice for sellers who want a comprehensive solution for managing their business on Amazon.

The best Amazon FBA calculator for you will depend on your specific needs and preferences. You may want to try different calculators to see which works best for you, including building your own.

Get Started Automating Amazon Seller Central Data — For Free.

Ditch the manual Amazon Seller Central FBA report downloads. Openbridge is a verified partner Amazon Selling Partner API developer and offers code-free data automation, one of the most potent tools FBA sellers can tap. Automation accelerates performance and the speed at which your team can gain valuable insights to deliver data-driven growth and profit.

Sign up for a 30-day free trial today

The Ultimate Amazon FBA Calculator: A Must-have For Maximizing Profits & Growth was originally published in Openbridge on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

from Openbridge - Medium

Discover the Power of Amazon Automation

How to Transform Your Amazon Seller or Amazon Vendor Business and Increase Sales With Automation

Automation can help businesses operating on Amazon save time and resources and improve efficiency and accuracy.

Why is Amazon automation important? Here are the principal benefits of automation;

  1. Streamline Your Operations: Amazon automation can help you to streamline various tasks and processes within the Amazon ecosystem, such as managing inventory, tracking and fulfilling orders, and managing customer interactions, saving you time and resources.
  2. Improve Efficiency and Accuracy: By automating tasks and processes on Amazon, you can reduce the risk of errors and improve the efficiency and accuracy of your operations, helping you to deliver a better customer experience.
  3. Support Business Growth and Scalability: As your business grows, Amazon automation can help you to scale your operations and support the growth of your business, allowing you to take on more orders and customers without increasing your workload.
  4. Save Money: By automating tasks and processes on Amazon, you can reduce your labor costs and other expenses, helping you to save money and improve your bottom line.
  5. Stay Ahead of the Competition: By using Amazon automation tools and services, you can stay ahead of the competition and gain a competitive edge, helping you to attract more customers and drive more sales on the platform.
  6. Customize Your Automation: With Amazon automation, you can customize the automation solutions to meet your business's specific needs and goals, allowing you to tailor your automation to your unique business model.
  7. Easy to Use: Many Amazon automation tools and services are user-friendly and easy to use, even for those new to automation, making it easy for you to get started with automation and see results quickly.
  8. Stay Compliant with Amazon’s Policies: By using Amazon automation tools and services that are compliant with Amazon’s policies and terms of service, you can ensure that your automation efforts are in line with the company’s rules and regulations.

Amazon Automation uses technology and processes to automate various tasks and operations within the Amazon ecosystem. This can include automating the listing of products, managing inventory, warehouse operations, tracking and fulfilling orders, and managing customer interactions.

Amazon Automation is an essential tool for FBA Sellers or Vendors operating on Amazon, as it can help to improve efficiency, accuracy, scalability, and competitiveness.

How does Amazon automation work?

Amazon Automation uses technology and processes to automate various tasks and procedures within the Amazon ecosystem. This can be done using a combination of Amazon’s services and tools and third-party software and services that integrate with Amazon’s API (Application Programming Interface).

For example, a business operating on Amazon may use Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) to store its products in Amazon’s fulfillment centers, where they are then picked, packed, and shipped by Amazon when an order is placed. This can help the business to save time and resources on order fulfillment.

The business may also use Amazon SP-API (formerly MWS — Marketplace Web Service) to automate various tasks and processes on Amazon, such as listing products, managing orders and inventory, and processing payments. This can be done using APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that allow the business to connect its systems with Amazon’s systems and automate various tasks and processes.

For more information on the Amazon Selling Partner API, see Amazon Releases New Selling Partner API (SP-API). Also, Amazon has extended the API to support Vendors as well! See Unlocking Amazon Vendor Central Data With New API.

In addition, the business may use third-party tools that integrate with Amazon’s API, such as inventory management or order fulfillment software, to automate various tasks and processes on Amazon. These tools can help the business streamline its Amazon operations and improve efficiency and accuracy.

Overall, Amazon Automation uses technology and processes to automate various tasks and procedures within the Amazon ecosystem, which can help businesses operating on Amazon save time and resources, improve efficiency and accuracy, and scale their operations more efficiently.

What is Amazon automation software?

Amazon automation software is designed to automate various tasks and processes within the Amazon ecosystem. This can include managing inventory, tracking and fulfilling orders, managing customer interactions, and optimizing advertising campaigns. Amazon automation software can help businesses operating on Amazon save time and resources and improve efficiency and accuracy.

Some common types of Amazon automation software include:

  1. Data Automation software: This software automates various tasks and processes related to API integration, data management, loading, and processing. This can include tasks such as collecting and organizing data from various sources, cleaning and transforming data and enabling teams to easily use tools like Tableau, Power BI, Looker, and others to generate reports and visualizations based on the data. For example, see Secret To Unlocking Amazon Vendor Central Reports.
  2. Inventory management software: This type of software helps businesses to automate various tasks related to managing their inventory on Amazon, such as tracking stock levels, forecasting demand, and replenishing stock as needed.
  3. Order fulfillment software: This type of software helps businesses to automate the process of fulfilling orders on Amazon, including tasks such as packing and shipping orders, tracking orders, and handling returns.
  4. Customer service software: This type of software helps businesses to automate various tasks related to managing customer interactions on Amazon, such as responding to customer inquiries, handling customer complaints, and tracking customer satisfaction.
  5. Advertising automation software: This type of software helps businesses to automate various tasks and processes related to advertising on Amazon, such as creating and managing sponsored product campaigns, targeting specific customers, and optimizing ad spending.

What Amazon automation tools are available?

Various Amazon Automation tools are available, including Amazon’s services and third-party software and services that integrate with Amazon’s API. Some standard Amazon Automation tools include:

  1. Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon): This service allows businesses to store their products in Amazon’s fulfillment centers, where they are picked, packed, and shipped by Amazon when an order is placed. This can help businesses to save time and resources on order fulfillment.
  2. Amazon SP-API (formerly MWS : Marketplace Web Service): This is a collection of APIs that allows businesses to automate various tasks and processes on Amazon, such as listing products, managing orders and inventory, and processing payments.
  3. Amazon LTL (Less than Truckload): This service allows businesses to ship large or bulky items to Amazon fulfillment centers using less-than-truckload carriers. This can reduce shipping costs and improve delivery times.
  4. Third-party tools: There are also many third-party tools available that integrate with Amazon’s API, such as inventory management software, order fulfillment software, and customer relationship management (CRM) software. These tools can help businesses automate various Amazon tasks and processes, such as listing products, managing orders, and inventory, and interacting with customers.

Many Amazon Automation tools are available to businesses operating on Amazon, which can help automate various tasks and processes and improve efficiency and accuracy.

What are Amazon Seller automated reports?

Amazon seller automated reports are reports generated automatically by Amazon regularly, typically daily or weekly, for sellers on the platform. These reports provide sellers with valuable information about their sales, orders, and performance on Amazon and can be used to track and analyze various metrics and trends.

Some common types of Amazon seller automated reports include:

  1. Sales reports: These reports provide information about the seller’s sales and revenue, including the number of units sold, the total value of the sales, and the fees and charges associated with the sales.
  2. Inventory reports: These reports provide information about the seller’s inventory, including the number of units available for sale, the number of units in transit, and the number of units in storage.
  3. Order reports: These reports provide information about the seller’s orders, including the number of orders received, the status of the orders, and the fulfillment method used for the orders.
  4. Performance reports: These reports provide information about the seller’s performance on Amazon, including metrics such as the seller’s feedback rating, the number of returns, and the seller’s order defect rate.

Amazon seller automated reports are a valuable tool for sellers on the platform, as they provide a wealth of information about the seller’s sales, orders, and performance on Amazon and can be used to track and analyze various metrics and trends.

Also, if you are a vendor, see Code-free Amazon Vendor Central Software.

Can I automate inventory report downloads from Amazon SellerCentral?

Automating the download of inventory reports from Amazon Seller Central is possible.

To automate the download of inventory reports from Amazon Seller Central, you will need to use Amazon’s Selling Partner API. Selling Partner is a collection of APIs that allows sellers to automate various tasks and processes on Amazon, including downloading inventory reports.

By integrating SP-API into your systems and making API calls to the Selling Partner Inventory API, you can automate the download of these reports and streamline your inventory management on Amazon.

See How To Export Inventory From Amazon for more information on report automation.

What types of Amazon automation services exist?

The best Amazon automation service for your business will depend on your specific needs and goals. Some common types of Amazon automation services include:

  1. Data services: These services integrate with Amazon Selling Partner and Amazon Advertising APIs to automate data flow for operations, reporting, and visualizations.
  2. Repricing services: These services automatically adjust the prices of your products on Amazon based on a set of rules that you define to help ensure that your prices are competitive and maximize your profits.
  3. Inventory management services: These services help you to automate various tasks related to managing your inventory on Amazon, such as tracking stock levels, forecasting demand, and replenishing stock as needed.
  4. Order fulfillment services: These services help you to automate the process of fulfilling orders on Amazon, including tasks such as packing and shipping orders, tracking orders, and handling returns.
  5. Customer service services: These services help you to automate various tasks related to managing customer interactions on Amazon, such as responding to customer inquiries, handling customer complaints, and tracking customer satisfaction.

It is essential to carefully evaluate your specific needs and goals and choose a service that meets them. Consider factors such as the service provider’s reputation, price, and any additional features or support that the service offers.

See Amazon Seller Central Sales Report Automation for more information on Selling Partner API automation services.

What is Amazon Advertising automation?

Amazon Advertising Automation refers to the use of technology and processes to automate various tasks and processes related to advertising on Amazon. This can include automating the creation and management of sponsored product campaigns, targeting specific customers, and optimizing ad spending. Automation can help businesses operating on Amazon save time and resources and improve their advertising efforts’ efficiency and effectiveness.

For example, automation provides the keys to understanding Amazon Advertising Report data for BI, reporting, and data analysis. See Amazon Advertising Reports: Performance Data.

Some standard tools for Amazon Advertising Automation include Amazon’s advertising platforms, such as Amazon Advertising and Amazon DSP (Demand-Side Platform), and third-party software and services that integrate with Amazon’s API.

These tools can help businesses to automate various tasks and processes related to advertising on Amazon, such as creating and managing sponsored product campaigns, targeting specific customers, and optimizing ad spending.

Amazon Advertising Automation is an essential tool for businesses operating on Amazon, as it can help improve their advertising efforts’ efficiency and effectiveness and drive more sales on the platform.

For more information on unlocking Amazon Seller & Vendor Central advertising automation for efficiency, scale, and growth, see Amazon Advertising API Automation or How To Unlock Amazon DSP Insights, Reporting, & Optimization.

How to automate pricing on Amazon?

There are several ways to automate Amazon pricing, depending on your business’s specific needs and goals. Some common strategies for automating pricing on Amazon include:

  1. Using repricing software: Repricing software is a tool that automatically adjusts the prices of your products on Amazon based on a set of rules you define. This can ensure that your prices are competitive and maximize your profits.
  2. Integrating with a pricing API: Some third-party software and services offer APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that allow you to automate the pricing of your products on Amazon. You can integrate these APIs into your systems and use them to automate the pricing of your products based on various factors, such as the prices of your competitors or market trends.
  3. Using Amazon’s pricing tools: Amazon offers a variety of tools and resources to help sellers manage the pricing of their products on the platform. For example, you can use Amazon’s Retail Pricing API to automate the pricing of your products based on a set of rules you define.

Depending on your specific needs and goals, there are several ways to automate pricing on Amazon. By using repricing software, integrating with a pricing API, or using Amazon’s pricing tools, you can automate the pricing of your products on Amazon and streamline your operations on the platform.

What does an Amazon automation engineer do?

An Amazon automation engineer may be an employee or contractor responsible for designing and implementing automation solutions for various tasks and processes within the Amazon ecosystem. This may include managing inventory, tracking and fulfilling orders, managing customer interactions, and optimizing advertising campaigns.

Some specific responsibilities of an Amazon automation engineer may include the following:

  1. Analyzing business processes and identifying opportunities for automation
  2. Designing and implementing automation solutions using tools such as Amazon’s SPI-API and third-party software and services
  3. Testing and debugging automation solutions to ensure that they are working correctly
  4. Monitoring and maintaining automation solutions to ensure that they are functioning properly
  5. Collaborating with other teams, such as product development, operations, and customer service, to identify and implement automation solutions

The typical Amazon automation engineer is responsible for designing and implementing automation solutions for various tasks and processes within the Amazon ecosystem to improve efficiency and accuracy and support the growth and scalability of the business.

Is Amazon automation a good investment?

Amazon automation can be a good investment for businesses operating on Amazon, as it can help to improve efficiency and accuracy, save time and resources, and support the growth and scalability of the company.

However, it is crucial to carefully evaluate your business’s specific needs and goals and the potential costs and benefits of implementing Amazon automation before deciding. Some factors to consider when deciding whether Amazon automation is a good investment include the following:

  1. The cost of the automation tools and services: Amazon automation tools and services can vary, so it is essential to carefully consider your budget and the potential return on investment (ROI) of the automation tools and services you are considering.
  2. The specific needs and goals of your business: Different businesses may have different needs and goals when it comes to Amazon automation, so it is essential to carefully evaluate your specific needs and goals and choose automation tools and services that are a good fit for your business.
  3. The potential benefits of automation: It is essential to carefully consider the potential benefits of Amazon automation for your business, such as improved efficiency and accuracy, time and resource savings, and support for business growth and scalability.

For example, if you have an employee manually download an Amazon order report, there are costs related to inefficient, manual work. Your employee will typically need to follow these manual steps:

  1. Log in to your Amazon Seller Central account
  2. Navigate to the “Reports” section of the dashboard
  3. Select the type of order report you want to download
  4. Select the date range for the report
  5. Click the “Request report” button
  6. Wait for the report to be generated and made available for download

Depending on the size and complexity of the report, it can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours for the report to be generated and made available for download. Once the report is available, it should take just a few seconds to download to their computer or device.

This may be a full-time job if your employee does so for several reports across marketplaces and FBA seller accounts. Is manual data wrangling a good investment? Automated report processing can free this person to work on tasks other than messy, manual data wrangling.

Amazon automation can be a good investment for businesses operating on Amazon. Still, it is crucial to carefully evaluate your business’s specific needs and goals and the potential costs and benefits of implementing automation before making a decision.

Who are the leading Amazon automation companies?

Many companies offer Amazon automation services and tools, and the leading companies in this space may vary depending on a variety of factors, such as the specific needs and goals of your business, the type of automation services or tools you are looking for, and your budget.

Some examples of leading Amazon automation companies to include:

  1. Openbridge: This company offers code-free, fully-automated data integration services for Sellers and Vendors to the Amazon Selling Partner API and Amazon Advertising API.
  2. FeedbackFive: This company offers a range of tools for automating various tasks and processes on Amazon, including managing customer feedback, managing product reviews, and driving seller ratings.
  3. SellerLabs: This company offers a range of tools and services for automating various tasks and processes on Amazon, including keyword research, product listing optimization, and repricing.
  4. SellerExpress: This company offers a range of tools and services for automating various tasks and processes on Amazon, including inventory management, order fulfillment, and customer service.
  5. ZonGuru: This company offers a range of tools and services for automating various tasks and processes on Amazon, including product research, product listing optimization, and repricing.

Many companies offer Amazon automation services and tools, and the leading companies in this space may vary depending on your specific needs and goals. It is vital to carefully research and compare different options to find the best fit for your business.

Who is the leading Amazon automation agency?

Many agencies offer Amazon automation services and tools, and the leading agencies in this space may vary depending on a variety of factors, such as the specific needs and goals of your business, the type of automation services or tools you are looking for, and your budget.

Some examples of leading Amazon automation agencies to include:

  1. AMZ Advisers: This agency offers a range of services for automating various tasks and processes on Amazon, including product research, product listing optimization, and repricing.
  2. AMZ One Step: This agency offers a range of services for automating various tasks and processes on Amazon, including product research, product listing optimization, and customer service.
  3. AMZ Blitz: This agency offers various services for automating various tasks and processes on Amazon, including product research, product listing optimization, and inventory management.
  4. AMZ Data Studio: This agency offers various services for automating various tasks and processes on Amazon, including product research, product listing optimization, and order fulfillment.

Many agencies offer Amazon automation services and tools, and the leading agencies in this space may vary depending on your specific needs and goals. It is vital to carefully research and compare different options to find the best fit for your business.

Is Amazon automation illegal?

Amazon automation is not necessarily illegal as long as it is used in compliance with Amazon’s policies and terms of service. Amazon allows automation tools and processes to streamline various tasks and operations on the platform as long as they do not violate company policies or terms of service.

For example, Amazon’s policies prohibit using automation to manipulate customer reviews or ratings or to engage in deceptive or fraudulent behavior. Amazon also prohibits using automation to bypass or circumvent any company’s systems or processes.

Some software tools and services use bots, screen scrapers, and other methods to automate processes. However, these violate Amazon's terms and policies. Openbridge offers a Bot Free Promise for its Amazon automation tools to ensure compliance with Amazon Acceptable User and Data Protection policies.

As long as you use Amazon automation tools and processes in compliance with Amazon’s policies and terms of service, it is not illegal. However, it is essential to carefully review and understand these policies and terms to ensure that you are using automation in a way that complies with Amazon’s rules.

Get started with Amazon Automation — 30-day Free Trial

Openbride is a leading amazon automation tool, providing direct, official access to Amazon Seller Central, Amazon Vendor Central, and Amazon Advertising APIs. We deliver the data that can supercharge Amazon store automation. FBA sellers get code-free, automated access to Amazon fulfillment center status, inventory levels, buy box, orders, finances, and other performance data.

Automation accelerates performance and the speed at which your team can gain valuable insights to deliver data-driven growth and profit.

Sign up for a 30-day free trial of our Amazon automation software.

Amazon Automation FAQs

  1. What is Amazon automation? Amazon automation refers to using technology and processes to automate various tasks and operations within the Amazon ecosystem, such as managing inventory, tracking and fulfilling orders, managing customer interactions, and optimizing advertising campaigns.
  2. Why is Amazon automation critical? Amazon automation can be important for businesses operating on Amazon because it can help to improve efficiency and accuracy, save time and resources, and support the growth and scalability of the company.
  3. What types of tasks can be automated on Amazon? Many tasks and processes can be automated on Amazon, including managing inventory, tracking and fulfilling orders, managing customer interactions, and optimizing advertising campaigns.
  4. What tools and services are available for Amazon automation? There is a wide range of tools and services available for Amazon automation, including Amazon’s platforms, such as Amazon Advertising and Amazon DSP, as well as third-party software and services that integrate with Amazon’s API.
  5. How do I get started with Amazon automation? To start with Amazon automation, you will need to evaluate your business’s specific needs and goals and research the various tools and services available for Amazon automation. You may also need to obtain access to Amazon’s MWS (Marketplace Web Service) API or other relevant APIs and integrate them into your systems.
  6. Can I automate all of my tasks and processes on Amazon? It is not necessarily possible or practical to automate your tasks and processes on Amazon, as some tasks may require human worker intervention or may not be suitable for automation. It is essential to carefully evaluate your business’s specific needs and goals and determine which tasks and processes are ideal for automation.
  7. Is Amazon automation legal? Amazon automation is generally permitted as long as it is used in compliance with Amazon’s policies and terms of service. However, Amazon prohibits using automation to manipulate customer reviews or ratings or to engage in deceptive or fraudulent behavior.
  8. Is Amazon automation expensive? The cost of Amazon automation tools and services can vary and may depend on factors such as the specific needs and goals of an Amazon business, the complexity of the automation solutions you are implementing, and the reputation and pricing of the service provider. It is essential to evaluate the potential amazon store automation offers carefully.
  9. What does Amazon say about the topic of automation? See the blog post How ecommerce automation works in the Amazon store.

Discover the Power of Amazon Automation was originally published in Openbridge on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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