How To Check Sales Volume On Amazon

Unlock Amazon Sales Volume data for automated performance reporting

As an online business, Amazon sellers face the constant challenge of competing against millions of other products in its marketplace.

Do you want to know what products sell well on Amazon? How can you find out which items sell best on Amazon? Are you looking to profit from selling your favorite products on Amazon? Do you want to understand your detailed reports for product sales by ASIN, search volumes for product categories, new product niches, and comprehensive sales reports?

Understanding Amazon sales volume is essential for sellers to calculate performance. Thankfully, Amazon provides a broad range of resources, sometimes confusing, for sellers to understand sales volume.

We will cover three core report types for sales volume:

  • Order Tracking Reports
  • Sales and Traffic Reports
  • Settlement Reports

If you are unclear about which of the many sales and order reports is suitable for you, check out our breakdown “Understanding Amazon Order and Sales Reports

How To Access Amazon Retail Sales (Order) Reports

To access your sale data, click on the “Reports” tab in your Seller Central account. Then select “Fulfillment->Sales-> All Order Reports.” You can choose to download a .csv file from this page.

  1. Sign in to your Amazon Seller Central account.
  2. Click the Reports menu, and then click Fulfillment
  3. Next, select Sales and All Orders
  4. The Order by Order data and Order by Last Update tab will show a view of your sales.
  5. Click Download for Selected Period.
  6. Save the file on your hard drive.

For automated sales reporting data feeds, see Amazon Seller Central Sales Report Automation.

How To Access Amazon Sales and Traffic “Business Reports.”

Business Reports include a Sales Dashboard, Business Reports by Date, and Business Reports by ASIN.

  1. Sign in to your Amazon Seller Central account.
  2. Click the Reports menu, and then click Business. The Detail Page Sales and Traffic tab will show a view of your sales.
  3. Click Download CSV for Selected Period.
  4. Save the file on your hard drive.

Amazon now offers these reports via their API for complete automation; see automation of Amazon Detail Page Sales and Traffic Business Reports.

How To Access Amazon Settlement Reports

Use the following steps to download a settlement report from your seller central account:

  1. Sign in to your Amazon Pay account on Seller Central.
  2. Click the Reports menu, and then click Payments. The Statement View tab shows a view of your current open Settlement.
  3. Click Download Flat File V2 against Settlement Period.
  4. Save the file on your hard drive.

Not sure what a Settlement Report is? See Understanding Amazon Settlement Reports.

Understanding Different Amazon Sales Metrics

Amazon uses several different report types and metrics to measure how much inventory sells during a day, week, or month. These metrics are vital to understanding how fast or slow your Business is growing, but they aren’t equally helpful in tracking trends and managing growth. Here are a just few metrics available in various reports:

  • Sales rank
  • Seller rank
  • Units sold
  • Sales estimate (pending orders vs. shipped orders)
  • Product rank

Typically, you can get the sales data via the UI, manual CSV or Excel report downloads, or via API.

You can use these exports to explore detailed sales history, sales trends, sales per day, sales over 12 months, and other views.

Instead of manual exports, you can automate sales volume data with the Amazon API, allowing you to use advanced tools like Google Data Studio, Tableau, Microsoft Power BI, Looker, or Amazon Quicksight

Here are a few approaches to parsing the data so you can understand actual sales volume.

Daily Sales Volume Metrics

Daily sales volume is one of the most commonly reported and tracked metrics related to Amazon product listings. By reporting daily sales volume, Amazon indicates how quickly your listings sell out.

Weekly Sales Volume Metrics

Weekly sales volume is another widely-used metric, particularly among small businesses. To calculate weekly sales volume, multiply the number of days in a week by the unit price per listing. After accounting for shipping costs, fees, etc., you’ll receive a figure representing the total amount of money made.

Monthly Sales Volume Metrics

Monthly sales volume is similar to weekly sales volume, except it reports how much income was generated over a monthly period instead of a weekly period. To calculate monthly sales volume, multiply daily sales volume by 7. Because we’ve assumed seven days make up one month, dividing the result by 365 gives you the total number of units sold that month.

Other Sources Of Amazon Sales Volume

If you are using Amazon Advertising, they will provide sales volume by a campaign, keyword, and other report types. This data is available as manual downloads or via Amazon Advertising API Automation.

Another source of data is Amazon Brand Analytics. You can get keyword data for Amazon Retail categories, allowing you to get direct insight into the level of competition for SKUs and categories. This can be a tremendous resource for new keyword ideas or optimizations to product listings.

To manually download the search data, see How to download the Amazon Search Terms report.

If you are looking for automated search keyword data feeds, see Direct, Automated Amazon Search Volume Data, and Amazon Brand Analytics Search Terms: Untapped Potential.


There are several ways that Amazon provides sales data. This information is essential because it helps you to plan and manage your inventory more efficiently. Using sales data will give you the confidence to take on any e-commerce business challenges that come your way

Getting Started With Amazon Sales Volume Automation

Unifying and owing your data allows you to build a view of sales over time, understand buyer behavior more deeply, or trending monthly traffic patterns. Data-driven insights mean your sales funnel will be full, your content strategy aligned, and traffic potential optimized.

If you are looking to automate your Amazon business analytics reports, Openbridge offers no-code, fully automated data pipelines;

With data automation in place, you can understand and optimize your digital marketing strategy, and efficiently grow your existing customer base while identifying ideal customers that drive revenue. Informed decisions are within reach with automation for all of the critical types of reports you have come to rely on.

Try our Amazon Selling Partner API Sales volume data integration today with a 30-day free trial!

How To Check Sales Volume On Amazon was originally published in Openbridge on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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